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Request to Speak to Council 

If you wish to address Council about a specific topic or request, please complete and submit the following Delegation Request Form to the Clerk at least ten (10) days in advance of the meeting. Delegations are typically heard by Council at their Committee of the Whole meetings, which, unless otherwise advised, are held on the first (1st) Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers - 2nd Floor, Perth Town Hall. Delegations may appear either in-person or remotely.

Addressing Council - Delegation Guidelines

Please note that Committee of the Whole and Council meetings are open to the public, therefore any information you provide is considered public information. The media may also be in attendance.

Delegations shall;

  • Be limited to one (1) appearance, unless providing additional information;
  • Be limited to a maximum of ten (10) minutes to present the information;
  • Be limited to a maximum of ten (10) slides in a PowerPoint presentation;
  • Be limited to a maximum of two (2) speakers per Delegation;
  • Be limited to a maximum of three (3) delegations per meetings;
  • Be scheduled at the beginning of Committee of the Whole meetings, which begin at 5:30 p.m. 

Delegations shall not;

  1. Address members directly without permission;
  2. Interrupt any speaker or action of the members, or any other person addressing the members;
  3. Speak disrespectfully of any person or use offensive words;
  4. Disobey a decision of the Chair;
  5. Enter into cross debate with other delegations, staff, Council, or the Chair.

Ensure your request is stated concisely during your presentation.

Please note, members of Council may not take action at the meeting. They will receive your presentation and may request additional information from you or Town staff.

For additional information, please refer to Section 9.9 of the Town's meeting Procedural By-law or contact:

Tracy Bowes, Deputy Clerk
80 Gore Street East
Perth, ON K7H 1H9
613-267-3311 ext. 2249

I agree to the Delegation Guidelines as stated above

Thank you for your interest in speaking to Council. This Delegation Request Form, in addition to any written submissions/background information for consideration by Council, must be submitted to the Clerk at least ten (10) days in advance of the Meeting.

Have you been in contact with a Town staff member and/or Council in regards to the matter of interest?
Will you be presenting in-person or remotely?
Do you require any accessibility accommodations?

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

Does your presentation material include a picture(s) of an identifiable individual(s)?

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